Yep have experienced similar bonsaisan. They simply cannot bear the thought that intelligible people arrive at the conclusion that it is not 'the troof'.
John Free
JoinedPosts by John Free
According to one JW there can only be 1 of 3 reasons why you left.
by Bonsai ini asked an old jw friend of mine why so many baptized individuals leave the jw religion.
"did it ever occur to you, old friend, that maybe they know something that you don't know and have valid reasons for leaving?
", i asked.. his response set me back for an answer.
Oops, I did it again! Flag placed in the KH: Chile 2016
by ILoveTTATT2 inmy friends,.
what has become now a yearly tradition for me: getting the videos/photos of the flag in chile for their national holidays.. this is the 2016 version, i believe the clearest example yet:
John Free
Watchtower is breaking its own rules on this matter in order to save money. In their own literature flags are referred to as 'objects of veneration'. Objects of veneration are idols. Also in their own literature it isn't simply the veneration of idols that is condemned but the very possession of an idol that is condemned. The following is a quote from g 8/08 pp20-21
Religious icons and idols are representations, or symbols, of anything that serves as an object of devotion or veneration. They include crosses, statues, pictures, or any other likeness of things in heaven or on the earth.* Flags can also be objects of veneration.
The use of such objects in worship goes back thousands of years. Hence, in 1513 B.C.E., when giving the fledgling nation of Israel the Ten Commandments, God clearly stated his view of religious images. He said: “You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion.”—Exodus 20:4, 5.
Note God’s twofold prohibition: First, his people were not to make images for worship, and second, they were not to “bow down to them” or serve them.
John Free
Hello Cindy. My wife was in your situation 7or 8 years ago. She didn't feel Jehovah was real to her, the meetings made her feel bad about herself and she hated being different to people in general. I was the opposite at the time, giving public talks, zealous, utterly indoctrinated. I knew she was 'weak' in 'the truth' but was still shocked when she stopped attending. I didn't realise at the time just how brave she was; despite all the pressure, to leave the organisation. It hurt me at first but I did accept the situation after some time passed. In conversation she at no point attacked the organization and was not confrontational over doctrine. If you do investigate some of the shocking scandals on jwfacts that watchtower has been involved in don't share them with him. Allow time to pass, so he can accept his new circumstances, before thinking of sharing such information. I would be careful about discussing your doubts in too much depth too, depending on what doubts you have. But sometimes doubts can be deemed 'apostate talk' and discussing them with your husband and the elders when they come around, may make things more difficult. My point is there are less controversial ways of leaving the organization, that won't raise eyebrows or suspicions so much. It sounds like you love your husband, he sounds like a great guy. I wish you the very best!
Melita Jaracz
by hirotaka indon't read or post here very often anymore.
have moved on from all things jw from my former life it seems.. just an announcement to whomever it may concern that melita jaracz, surviving wife of form governing body member theodore jaracz, has finished her earthy course passing away yesterday.. simon, i don't know if you're still involved, but this site was invaluable to me when i was leaving the org.
some years back.. thank you and all the others who have me guidance that i needed at the time.
John Free
Hirotakasan hajimimashite yoroshiku! I saw the Jaracz couple while in Yokohama in 2003 or 2004. Theodore will be remember in the UK for his infamous appearance on the BBC panorama program in 2001 entitled 'suffer the children' as I remember.
Its nice to meet you I sent you a pm BTW.
What Songs Best Fit you when you learned TATT and Afterwards?
by Wasanelder Once inthe work of john lennon best fit my situation.
first, i found out.
i found out.
John Free
'I've got to break free! I've got to break free from this crazy cult psychologggeeeee'
I want to break freeI want to break freeI want to break free from your liesYou're so self satisfied I don't need you… -
Harmagedon backpack... Are we retarded??
by sp74bb insorry for this matter has been already discussed.. i got shocked after watching this video:.
kingdom hall disaster demonstration.
this is really insane !!!
John Free
The 25 people in attendance greatly benefited from this timely scaremongering.
Even Non-JW's Recall 1975
by snugglebunny inlast night.
pub quiz.
12 teams, somewhere in darkest england.. category: eternal flame.
John Free
I had a customer who remembered her JW colleague warning her that the end would come in 1975. She said they marked DEC 31st on the office calendar. That brother is still alive and still in the borg. I can't wait until I see him next :-D
Today's Text - Show Appreciation For Elders! LOL
by Divergent inwednesday, august 10. holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of god.—acts 20:28.. it is important that we show appreciation for god’s arrangement for shepherding his flock.
christian elders are a provision from jehovah, who always acts in our best interests.
the elders are “like a hiding place from the wind, a place of concealment from the rainstorm, like streams of water in a waterless land, like the shadow of a massive crag in a parched land.” (isa.
John Free
Amazing how many verses are twisted by WT to arrive at the same place- Obey Obey Obey us you fools. Resistance is futile.
Openly converting to another religion but not disfellowshipped
by R Franz Ferdinand III inodd.... friends of mine recently became members of an evangelical church.. up until they got baptised in this church, they still were visiting the jw meetings on a regular basis.they weren't really fading in the true sense of the word.. they came out of the closet about their new conviction quite publicly and even didn't shy away from getting in debate with the elders on biblical topics.. the elders are obviously very aware about their position and as they still were attending the meetings not so long ago, they clearly can be considered as people associated with the jw organisation.. as far as i know it seems they won't get disfellowshipped.
as long my friends don't harrass fellow witnesses with their 'renegade ideas' and 'false religion', elders seem to comply and leave things as they are.. this puzzles me as defecting to babylon the great always has been one the most worst offenses a jw could possibly commit.. could this be a case of local elders interpreting/applying things their own way or is there a (new) general policy trending ?.
anyone who knows about similar cases ?.
John Free
Welcome to the forum rfr! I don't find it that strange either tbh. Here in south wales the elders seem pretty tired by their ever increasing list of 'responsibilities', I doubt they could be bothered to go chasing faders. I have noticed there seems to be a stricter stance in other parts especially the USA.
The Shunning truth is now out...
by babygirl30 ini have been df'd for 9yrs as of july 31 (yay me!).
so as i have written about previously in other posts, my whole family (parents + sister) made the choice to treat me as if i do not exist, and i have accepted it.
last summer they made a blatant show of it as our family reunion, in that they would walk right by me and not say one word...prompting our extended family to question their actions.
John Free
My disfellowshipped sister has been treated exactly the same way as you. 'Its not about religion, we simply don't get on' 'there are things you don't know about her'...etc. yes rather than expose the craziness of the cult and themselves they shift the blame and the emphasis to the victim. Up until 2 years ago I was treating my sister in exactly the same way. Shame on me for that. I owed her a massive apolagy.
Sorry to hear about how you've been treated. Glad that the truth has been exposed to your extended family. A little bit of justice.